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Actions and Activities to Level up this Summer

Writer's picture: Lay JordanLay Jordan

Updated: May 17, 2024

Hey guys it’s Lay!

Sorry that thing went a bit out of order, originally this post was supposed to be a continuation of the hot girl summer post. However, after posting, I wanted to rebrand to make things more neutral and inclusive. While I don't know what else to call this era, the vibes are the same. This summer is all about:

  • Confidence

  • Deep diving into our dreams

  • Being intentional

  • Consistency

  • Maximizing our experience

If you're reading this, you're probably looking for some inspiration to make the most of your summer. In this blog post, we'll explore some actionable steps that you can take to level up your summer and achieve your goals.

Now, you might be thinking “Why would I want even more things to do”?

As a recently graduated student, I know how easy it was to get burned out. There is this pressure during the summer where if you aren’t doing summer courses, getting a certification, working an internship in your field, working a regular job, etc. that you aren’t “doing enough”. But I also want to remind you that productivity isn’t just doing those things. Being productive can be focusing on your health, taking time to travel, and spending more time on the hobbies/passion projects that you neglected, etc. You shouldn’t feel bad or like less than for doing things at your own pace. I could go on about how unemployment makes people feel like a failure because of how historically society connected it to a person worth and how we still are living under that perception, but instead, I want to give you this reminder:

If you are a student, once you graduate and get into the working world, there are no more breaks to be expected. If you want a break or vacation, you need to have it planned to use PTO and vacation days. It’s 100% not the same.

If you are a working adult who no longer is in school, make time for play no matter how busy your life gets. It’s so easy to lose ourselves for a job. It goes from doing the best you can at school to doing the best you can at work. The difference between them is we also carved out times for exploring what makes us happy and participating in activities that make us happy instead of doing things that numb us so we can handle the mundane tasks. It’s up to us to continuously add a spark to our lives so we aren’t just existing.

With that being said this post is about being intentional and consistent, you can maximize your experience and have a lot of fun doing it.

Whether you're a student on break or an adult with the goal of having more fun moments, there are plenty of actions and activities you can take to boost your confidence, deep dive into your dreams, and make this summer one to remember.


These are the must-do thing this summer. Before I share activities’ inspiration, I wanted to lay the foundation for actions that will make our goals much easier.

Mindset work: This refers to the previous post (which I highly suggest you check out). If you want to make changes in your life the first thing that has to change is your mindset. Confidence is one thing but you also need to believe that partaking in things, even if it is not making you money, is still productive and not a waste of time. Because of the society we live in people tend to judge others for what they are or aren’t doing without knowing all the details (not that they are entitled to). If as I was talking about in the beginning, you need to know that any action you do is productive if it’s benefiting you. People can't work efficiently if their self-esteem is low if their health is bad, if they aren’t rested enough, if they can’t have cohesive thoughts etc. Re-frame what it means to be productive and successful on your own terms and not through the lens of comparison or your insecurities.

Rearrange your space: This can look like moving around furniture, Decluttering your stuff, creating a new aesthetic in your room, etc. Your space is just as important as the goals themselves: If you want to paint more, create a painting area to do so. If you want to work out more, have a spot where you place your workout clothes and water every day. If you want to read the books you impulsively bought, make them visible to you so you remember they are there. This is a mandatory action so you won’t have as many excuses to backtrack on doing the things that you want.

Self-audit: In other words, this is an in-depth check-in with yourself. You have to know and understand where you're at to move in your life. If you feel stagnant in life, it’s probably because you are lost in the void (if you are a Melanie Martinez fan I hope you appreciated that reference). It is so easy to lose sight of who we are in life because of the expectations of having a specific role in society, a role in your family, a role as a friend, etc. Basically, life has so many expectations of us and we have our own expectations of life. Sometimes those expectations we have aren’t even what we actually want, but what shows, movies, books, other people, etc. make us think we want. Discover how much of what you want is really coming from you and it will make what you prioritize so much more sufficient.

Getting a strong support system: This one doesn’t come easy all the time. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a supportive family or meet friends that are so down to help you in any way they can and mean it. I am going to use myself as an example: so my biggest dream for the longest time has been to be a content creator but because how many people in my life don’t see it as a feasible thing, I put it on the back burner while finishing school. Even though I was getting good grades I was miserable, lost passion, and honestly that negative energy was radiating from me because the school felt like a chore and I wasn’t doing the things to balance it out. I probably ruined a lot of friendships because I was so captivated by that energy. Once I graduated I was pulled out of it but then I began to have anxiety about my post-graduation life because in my head if I didn't get a job in my field it means I failed and it wasn't like I had any other form of employment that's unrelated to my degree so I could at least have my finances in order. I felt so behind and then I saw this girl post about her unemployment life in her 20s and we became mutuals on Tik Tok. She asked me to join her discord where I met so many people who have the same anxieties I do but also the same ambition and motivation to keep going no matter what. Personally, it's been a digital safe space.


As promised, this is the inspiration for things you can do this summer. This is not an official bucket list, but based on your personality you can probably find some things to try so you are never bored.

  1. Berry Picking

  2. The outdoor movie theater ( Drive-in if you can, but some states like NYC host outdoor movie theaters in the park and stuff)

  3. Have a photoshoot with friends

  4. Go hiking

  5. Build a fort

  6. Get a disposable camera and go on an outing

  7. Have a paint and sip (this can be with mocktails or real cocktails)

  8. Watch the sunrise on the beach

  9. Have a spa day

  10. Make jewelry day

  11. Paint wine cups

  12. Book a workout class

  13. Have a Pinterest-inspired picnic

  14. Try out a new recipe

  15. Try out a youtube challenge (workout, reading, etc.)

  16. Have a staycation

  17. Bake a vintage cake

  18. Have a movie night (bonus points if you have a projector; you can make this a weekly thing with themes)

  19. Decorate an abstract mirror

  20. Go to a flower field

  21. Camping if you can

  22. Pizza make nights

  23. Have a 24-hour read-a-thon

  24. Pool day with slushies

  25. Brunch ( Go out for it or make it at home)

  26. Make ice cream from scratch

  27. Go on a solo date ( ideas for that coming soon)

  28. Have a game night

  29. Go bowling

  30. Go Bike riding

  31. Go rollerskating

  32. Go Skateboarding

  33. Go on a car ride and have takeout

  34. Go thrifting

  35. Create your own reading list

  36. Make a candle

  37. Make a letter to your future self

  38. Go on a morning walk/run

  39. Make a viral frozen treat (not ice cream)

  40. Visit a farmer's market

  41. Go to a museum

  42. Go to a Korean BBQ/ Hot pot

  43. Learn how to crochet

  44. Take one of your platforms seriously

  45. Play tennis

  46. Make a vision board

  47. Start a journal

  48. learn a program

  49. Create something in a pottery class

  50. Go to a butterfly sanctuary

  51. Make an acai bowl

  52. Go to a petting zoo

  53. Go to an escape room

  54. Join a Discord community

  55. Do one drastic thing to change your style (dye your eyebrows, New fashion style, New hairstyle, get a new haircut, get lash extensions, get a brow tint and lamination, etc.)

  56. Volunteer somewhere

  57. Get bubble tea

  58. Go to a bookstore or a book bar

  59. Practice drawing

  60. Have a tea party

  61. Re-arrange your room

  62. Do a decluttering session ( clothes, old makeup pallets, old skincare, cabinets declutter)

  63. Learn about investments

  64. Have a water balloon/ water gun fight

  65. Go to a trampoline park

  66. Do a random act of kindness

  67. Visit plant shop

  68. Tye dye something

  69. Have or attend a BBQ

  70. Have a game night with prizes

  71. Go to a carnival or theme park

  72. Have a field day/sports day

  73. Play laser tag

  74. Do your nails

  75. Get fondue or have it at home

  76. Try vlogging

  77. Take a selfie a day

  78. Go mini-golfing

  79. Walk 10,000 steps a day

  80. Go to a crystal shop

  81. Get a tarot card reading

  82. Make a scrapbook

  83. Have a Digital declutter day (organize computer files, delete emails, delete photos/screenshots, organize your google drive, redesign your notion)

  84. Write a poem or a short story

  85. Learn to play an instrument or a new instrument

  86. Learn a new language

  87. Learn a form of self-defense

  88. Find a pen pal

  89. Be part of a live audience

  90. See a parade

  91. Get a tattoo (if of age)

  92. Get a piercing

  93. Create a new summer playlist

  94. Make a lantern

  95. Make a manifestation journal

  96. Lounge on a hammock

  97. Visit a rooftop bar/ restaurant

  98. Go on a wellness retreat

  99. Try weight lifting

  100. DIY your own board game

Get out of your comfort zone

This summer is all about doing the things that make us feel alive. Personally, I struggled for the longest time making time for fun. I don’t want to make that same mistake again and with so many drastic changes in my life and people who I care about live’s, I want to make the most of the time I have left with them before they are off on their next adventure.

This blog is all about personal growth but I feel like a huge part of growth is to be able to relinquish control and do more things that make you feel like you are really living. Life is not just about what we need to do but making time for wants as long as it’s not detrimental. By taking intentional actions such as mindset work, self-auditing, and rearranging our space, we can lay the foundation for achieving our goals and flourishing this summer.

However, productivity isn’t just working towards something. The process of exploring what brings us joy is equally as important and so is resting when you need to. With so many exciting activities to choose from, we can try new things, step out of our comfort zones, and make the most of this season. Let's make this summer one to remember!

Thank you for reading and if you have anything you want to see more of, be sure to comment suggestions or email me. Remember to subscribe to my Youtube channel, and follow my Instagram and Twitter to connect and stay up to date. I am excited about my next blog post so make sure you come back. Until then, there’s a lot more content on my youtube channel. I hope you have a good day, evening, or night.

Until next time,

xoxo Lay 💋


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