Hey guys
It’s Lay.
Honestly coming up for ideas for blogs have been really difficult. I’m trying not to let post get too repetitive. Even though I am a beauty/fashion/ lifestyle blogger , lifestyle is my favorite to write about. However soon will be doing more beauty and fashion since the whether is getting warmer.
So for today’s blog, I will be doing a blog on how to prepare for the summer. Summer for most people is a time of freedom and this year will be different for me since I’m entering a whole new chapter of my life. Since I’m going from high school to college, I need to make some plans to make the most of it but also preparing myself for the next step.
For my younger viewer some things listed will prepare them but for my viewers older than me I hope this inspires them to have a good time.
I’m in a weird place where I’m seen as a kid but still expected to have the responsibility of an adult in terms of finances , becoming more independent etc. Sometimes people find me mature for my age due my more quiet and calm personality and also what I’ve written about. So regardless of age, whether you are older or younger than me , I hope you enjoy the blog.
Creating a bucket list

Creating a bucket list is one of the first things you should do when preparing for summer. It gives you motivation to do things you probably wouldn't do on your own whim. This gives you the motivation to step out your comfort zone to discover things you may enjoy, make great memories and have amazing stories to tell.
Reviving goals
There are different types of goals: Long term goals, Short term goals, daily goals, seasonal goals etc. For me, I like to break my goals up by 3 month periods which is why the last time I wrote a full life update was March . I feel like my goal has been successful in terms of improving my mental health which is why when I revive my goals in June my focus will change.
Saving money
This is one of the more adulting things on my list but for teenagers younger than me, I would fully suggest to start this as young as possible. I got my first summer job when I was 14 and I did save but my junior and senior year of high school has been really expensive and my mom didn't want me working during the school year. So whether you are a teenager or adult, saving is essential because you never know what emergencies will come up or whether you want to treat yourself to something or if you have an event coming up (birthday, wedding, baby shower etc.).
Getting organized
As a college student this is one of top priorities. I want to get rid of of old clothes to make space for my college so I'm planning to donate or sell. Also I need to get rid of old papers from High school and sell preparation books for exams like the SAT. I think of this as an opportunity to reinvent myself.
Changing up decor

This is one of my favorite things to do. There is just something about changing up my room that just gives me new energy and just inspires me. I love looking on amazon for wall decor, I also so saw nice decor on Society6 and Target is an all time favorite. You can also DIY some decorations.
Changing up your style

I actually went shopping and got a few things that I thought would be nice for the summer as apart of the more fashion part of my blog. I got pastel skirts, new mini dresses, romper etc. Fashion and style has always been my way of expressing myself and with every new season I see it as a way to become one step closer to the person I want to be.
Bettering yourself
Like I mentioned throughout this blog, Summer is a time `that allows freedom. You are free to be the person want to be, free to do things differently and just to be different. Be the version of yourself that makes you happiest and take the steps you need to get there.
This was my shortest blog in a long time but I still hope you really liked it. If you have any suggestions or have something you want to see next time, be sure to contact me by sending me a message . Remember to share this post with your friends and family and if you want to stay updated please subscribe. Also, don't forget to read previous blogs as well.
Until next time,
xoxo Lay 💋